Our company provides you with an economical way to have a customized fence at  LRAFB. 
Request a fence
Moving Out?
Contact Us

​   Please note:  Request a fence is down at the moment. Please send a request to my email: beesfencerental@sbcglobal.net with your name, address and phone number.    

      At the request of  Hunt, we offer rental fencing in base housing. We provide an alternative to buying a fence by charging you for installation, a two month deposit, removal fee of 40.00 and a monthly rental fee. Current rates are 3.50 per foot of fencing for installation.   Rent is $0.35 per foot each month for your rental fee. The fee is for the rental of the fence including a gate. The installation, deposit, removal fee and first month's rent are due prior to installing the fence.

     Once you put in a request, we will send someone by to mark the yard. Once you approve the estimate, we will put you on the installation list.  There is usually a waiting list which varies due to weather and other factors but we will have your fence up as soon as possible. 

     If we already have a fence installed at your residence and you will only need the gate installed, please include this information when submitting your request form. This will save you from paying an installation fee and you will be able to just begin paying rent plus a 2 month deposit. The rent is for the fence with a gate. Please--do not close or block your fence. Blocked fences are removed with no notice.

     Please be advised that rent is due each month. Rent that is past due more than two months will have the gate pulled before removal. There will be a 25.00 charge to reinstall the gate after payment is made. 

Thank you.

    If you have questions or concerns and need to contact us for any reason, we ask that you use the forms provided on this site whenever possible. Or please contact us by email at beesfencerental@sbcglobal.net. We need your name, email and phone number to start an account. 

Bee's Fence Rental
P.O.Box 59
Austin, AR 72007